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How to block a user
Julieta Erdozain avatar
Written by Julieta Erdozain
Updated over 7 months ago

As a White Label platform administrator, managing user accounts efficiently is crucial. Sometimes, you may need to block a user's access to the platform.

Current Procedure for Blocking a User:

  1. Email our support team.

  2. Provide the username or email of the account you wish to block.

  3. Briefly explain the reason for the block.

  4. Our support team will process your request and block the user's account.

Important: Do not delete the user's account. Deleting an account can cause issues with releases associated with that account. Blocking a user prevents their access while keeping their releases and associated data intact.

Coming Soon: We are developing a new feature that will allow you to block users directly from the app. This will give you more control over user management on your platform.

Remember: Blocking a user prevents their access to the platform but keeps their releases and associated data intact. If you accidentally delete an account instead of blocking it, contact our support team immediately to resolve the situation.

If you accidentally delete an account instead of blocking it, contact our support team immediately to resolve the situation.

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