To make a change to a release already published in stores:
Login to your account at
Click on "Catalog".
Click on the pencil.
Make the change you want.
Go on to the last step.
Click "Submit".
Ready! Someone from the limbo music team will review the modification, and if everything is correct, the release will be updated in stores in the next 2-5 days.
What you can modify from an already published release is:
Name of album and tracks
Cover image
Information about the album version (remix, live, remastering, etc)
Information about artists and collaborators
Record label name
Preview start
Quality of "Explicit" or not * Price category
Digital release date
Original release date
Owner of the license ©
Owner of publication rights ℗
Territories where the album is available
Audio files (you cannot add or remove, but you can replace the file)